Wednesday, 26 December 2012 resorts to extensive product placement resorts to extensive product placement of his latest in his latest gig with Britney Spears. Around minutes you can even see him putting Beats Audio into flames. He's maybe trying to say something...

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Google Maps and its future

With the release of Google Maps into the iOS circle with its brilliant simplistic functional UI and great feature. Do you think its ever going to replace Apple Maps? Or if Apple allows users to choose Google Maps to be their default maps application on their device, that would change a lot of things in the future.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Microsoft's Surface Pro is basically a Desktop

According to Microsoft, the Surface Pro may have only 4 hour of battery life.

I mean in this day an age, with the rise of portable devices all a consumer hopes is portability. Its not only the size and weight but also sustained power to work as you are on the go.

What Microsoft basically doing here is so wrong! I mean strategically wrong! They are releasing a product which basically cant even hold itself. Its basically a desktop....period.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Windows 8 sells 40 Million, what does that mean?

That means there are 40 million out there still trying to figure out the OS! sadness overwhelms... | Innovation gone wrong?

Check out the Engadget wonder JooJoo failed. They barely could articulate its value!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

How Microsoft is following Apple's strategy

I bet you might have heard the exit of Microsoft's Windows immediate head, Steven Sinofsky. He was in Microsoft for a really long and his exit is a sign oh how corporate strategy is taking a new shift. People who no longer agree to it (esp: the veterans) are asked to leave, like Apple's Scott Forstall.

The industry is shifting to reunited operating systems as one and making the line thin and blurry. As consumers we have yet to wait and see where all this will end up.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Is Microsoft the new Apple?

With a bunch of evolution of the previous hits Apple has hit its plateau and is showing cracks with its launches but with the launch of all the new products and ecosystems with Windows 8 and hardware, is Microsoft the new Apple?

Monday, 5 November 2012

iPad mini Review | Hardware + Software

I was on my way to Beijing and I saw the iPad mini lying in an Apple store. So what did I do? I ignored it.....NOT! I ran towards it and the store was empty as no one realized that the iPad mini (wifi) started coming to stores. I picked it up and it was light, small and felt more personal. The icons were smaller than the iPad icons which I am used to but bigger than my iPhone's icons, so kinda felt strange as its somewhere in between. The responsiveness was good and there was no lag. The build quality is much better than the iPhone 5's as I didn't notice any nicks or poor anodization.

The major MAJOR let down the moment you pick it up is the display. You will notice it if you are an iPhone or iPad retina display user. You will feel it kinda looks pixelated b its bearable. I mean there is a certain kind of premium feel you will expect from Apple. The hardware definitely feels good and classy but the display puts you off.

That got me thinking whether I would replace my iPad for this and the answer is NO. I love the iPad mini form factor but I wished they made the same gut for the 7.9" which I know is asking too much. I wouldn't say its for the budget conscious as its almost on par with the Big brother. This model was definitely made for the light users, who are on the move and probably lady users.

Samsung or Apple for the 7" category? Definitely the ecosystem is solid and iPad apps runs seamlessly on it.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Nokia's Lumia design dead on arrival

Nokia made its comeback in the mobile phone space by partnering with Microsoft. They introduced the world with their state of the art polycarbonate unibody design, curved gorilla glass and design inspired from Nokia N9. It was ground breaking in every way. Nokia did what no one thought it would or it could.

A year later Nokia introduced the follow up of the Lumia series the Lumia 920 and 820. Same ol' hardware design (much thicker) and Windows 8. On the other hand HTC released their Windows 8x and 8s series with great design.

As a spectator I was blown away by what HTC did. Loved the design even though its obviously similar to what Nokia did. But what did Nokia do wrong?

Nokia's design felt like a downgrade. It was glossy, thicker and not even great to look at. Microsoft even went ahead presenting HTC as their flagship phone even though they are working on their own version of hardware. Seems like the ship has left the harbor and left Nokia to figure out what to do next. It did have the first movers advantage but they didn't even make use of it.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

In response to NYTimes article : Apple Shake-Up Could End Real-World Images

In response to NYTimes article : Apple Shake-Up Could End Real-World Images

Apple's adoption of real world skeumorphism in iOS is Apple's key differentiation in the Mobile OS marketplace. Microsoft's Windows 8 UI is a clear departure from what Microsoft has been pursuing for year and that is usage of real world look and feel. Google's Android platform too made that same move as Microsoft and it making pure digital interfaces in its Android Jelly Bean iterations.

Why should Apple be worried? If Apple with the departure of the Scott Forstall and the late Steve Jobs ends skeumorphism, that will be the end of Apple's edge as well. I am not a big fan of stitched leather or linen texture but those made Apple what they are today. Instead of departing a subtle improvement or evolution of the existing design language would be good. In earlier reports, there was a clear internal struggle going within Apple design department.

The question is would Jobs have done this if he was still around?

2013 will be all about Mobile Supremacy

Next year is going to be different in the mobile technology space, especially in the Mobile OS space.
Today, iOS is at its peak of maturity, Android has finally figured out what it’s going to be, Windows 8 comes out of beta and Blackberry is making its comeback.
Big players like Apple are walking on a slippery slope with many commenting on iOS 6 as not so great and “yawn-worthy”. Android has gained market share and is on par with the number of Apps with Apple. Microsoft is spending billions to crack into the market. Blackberry’s strategy is still unknown.
No matter what it’s going to be a huge win for the consumers. With matured mobile OS’s its now a level playing field unless there’s gonna be patent wars, which I foresee is inevitable.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Scott Forstall and John Browett are leaving Apple

What’s does this mean? There were indeed rumors of internal strife within the company when it came to design, especially UI design. Joney Ive “cringed” with iOS design filled with brushed metal and stitched leather. Could he be the catalyst behind Scott’s exit? Or was it the failure of Scott’s two additions Siri and Apple Maps that lead to it?
Something feels strange, either there was a major internal war going on or this was anyway expected as Mac OS X was anyway merging with the iOS mobile operating system.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

How to fail in Business - 1

Or how to not make any impact at all. We all want to make it big and be our boss one day but most of the time we fail to see what really makes Jobs and Zukerberg tick. We often think that just simply registering a business name and buying a .com would set you to the right direction.
Well if you have already thought the above then we’ve walked the same path
If you have any of the following ideas, be prepared to fail; 1. Keen to register business before have idea of what to sell. 2. Keep to buy domain name just because its available just in case you will have an idea on day. 3. Working on your website just to appear credible but have no idea or customer who used your services. 5. Copying websites for content to fill in. 5. About me page focuses too much on self. 6. Starting a business only to create an auto blog to pull RSS feeds from random sites. 7. Too afraid to share your idea thinking people will copy them. (If its too easy to copy, it’s not worth it.) 8. Thinking money is the main reason stopping you. 9. Starting a business just because everyone’s doing it. 10. Thinking its easy to run a business with zero commitment. 11. Your business is a shortcut to get rich. I will keep adding to the list and I have to be honest, most of them are from my own experience. I’ll keep adding to this list.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Samsung's design flaw

Samsung is known to built thin, hardware devices for many years. But recently they have taken a step to be more design focused like Apple and came out with their latest Samsung Galaxy S3 phone. They claim the design to be inspired by nature.

But...what I do not understand is, why is the Home Button off center? I mean its really annoying. What happened to symmetry? They recently launched the Galaxy Note 2 and it doesn't have this problem.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

iPad mini's pixel ratio to iPad = Genius

Keeping the pixel ratio same as iPad is just brilliant! I mean, you could hear a sigh of relief from the Developer Community as no extra work was needed to stay on in the Apple ecosystem. I feel Apple has really thought through the whole thing in the making of iPad mini. 
And yes, I  believe Apple has a fighting chance in the post Steve Jobs era we live in.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Monday, 22 October 2012

iPhone 5's buggy OS | Software

I am an Apple fan boy but I find the new iOS 6 bug ridden like anything. I've never had so many reboots as I try to open an App or touch a notification! Am I the only one? I hate Android but I feel they got their basics right.

iPhone 5 reviewed | Hardware

I am an Apple Fan boy and I am obsessed with perfection from head to toe in execution. I know no company is perfect but if you are selling something I expect a certain amount of quality, something basic like a device that is pristine when I open the box even if it doesn't work I understand. 

Today I wanna focus on the physical quality of the device. I am huge fan of Jon Ive and I come from a Manufacturing Engineering background as well. What I dont understand are the following;

  1. Lightning Charger that doesn't work. I have to constantly keep wiggling it until my phone responds. Lose connection i don't know, I went to the store and got it exchanged and still no use! 
  2. Scuff mark ridden hardware. Yes, I did buy the black version. I do understand Aluminium is a soft metal and gets scratched easily but I do expect a scratch free device when I open the box. I take full responsibility if I scratched it afterwards.I have a habit of buying a case as we are pretty nosy when we see scratches. 
  3. Buggy Wifi is another irritating factor. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold and all this when I am sitting on top of my Wifi router!
The only thing I liked about iPhone 5 is the Ear pods...simple, clean, perfection. iPhone 5 doesn't carry the Apple values as its of poor build quality. People may forgive this as a minor slip due to Apple heritage of building quality products. 

I hope the future products don't display such poor standards

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Sermonotes iOS App release

As users ourselves we know that typing sermons has always been a tough experience from switching between app, archiving your sermons, scrolling through the books, copying and pasting was always a chore. What we did was to take a different approach all together, we have managed to take away the tedious process of leveraging two apps at the same time. We have built a truly notepad centric app with a layer of Bible built on top of it, making your experience far seamless and enjoyable like never before. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

I are back!

Great to be back! 5 years later, many things have changed and many things to be change and true techie fashion I am now testing my blog.